Adhyaksa International Run

Running is not just a sport, thus it has evolved into a lifestyle and a routine activity that is vastly loved by many.

Furthermore, various running events which held in the recent past has made running as somehow an important activity that made various new running communities emerges.

TUNAS MUDA ADHYAKSA is one of them, that is an association in which Adhyaksa Runners gathers.

Tanggal & waktu pelaksanaan:

Min, 27 April 25 (1 bulan 3 minggu dari sekarang)

Acara di tanggal yang sama (13) Manado Half Marathon
TBA, Kota Manado
5K 10K 21K

Wonorejo Run Challenge
Waduk Wonorejo, Kabupaten Tulungagung
5K 10K

Hermina Fun Run
Plaza Tenggara GBK, Kota Jakarta Pusat
5K 10K

Move Fordward Run
CitraLand Puncak Tidar, Kabupaten Malang

See You Run
See You, Kabupaten Pinrang
5K 10K

East Java Running Festival - Madiun
TBA, Kota Madiun
5K 10K

Yogyakarta City 10K Race
Kompleks Kepatihan, Kota Yogyakarta

Wajo Maradeka Run
TBA, Kabupaten Wajo
5K 10K

Sunrise Fun Run
One Mall , Kota Batam

Universitas Anwar Medika Fun Run
Universitas Anwar Medika, Kabupaten Sidoarjo

Agromed Run
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember, Kabupaten Jember

Semarang Color Run Festival
Gajah Mada Plaza Simpang Lima, Kota Semarang

Station Run
Stadion Harapan Bangsa, Kota Banda Aceh
5K 10K


Peninsula Island, Kabupaten Badung
Lihat lokasi di peta

5K 10K 21K

Race, Road Run

Info & Registrasi:

Laporkan: Adhyaksa International Run


Nama Tipe Harga
5K Normal Rp275.000
10K Normal Rp375.000
21K Normal Rp475.000